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Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. We can't wait to get started on a new year of ministry with you!

Christmas Program Pictures

Wow! Our kids did awesome on our Hallmark Kids Christmas Program! They worked so hard, and it showed. Thank you parents for working with them at home and listening to the same songs over and over! Also, a huge thank you to all of our volunteers who helped with our program! 

Click Here  to download the pictures from the program!






What We're Learning on Wednesdays


CAMP BELIEVE IT: A 4-Week Series from the Gospels on Jesus' Early Life


People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this 4-week series, kids will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry. John's story will help kids to say their camp motto, "I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is powerful. I believe God's words are true."

What We're Learning on Sundays 

Gospel Project

Jan. 5th:  The Ten Commandments

Jan. 12th:  The Golden Calf

Jan. 19th:  Building The Tabernacle

Jan. 26th:  Worship At The Tabernacle

Memory Verse


Hallmark Kids Schedule

Sunday Mornings:

Birth - 4 yr olds meet at 9:30 am and 10:45 am

Kindergarten - 5th Grade:

     9:30 am - Children's Worship

     10:45 am - Connect Groups

Wednesday Nights: 

Birth - 5th grade meet at 6:30 pm

Question of the Month

What's one thing you'd like to see our ministry start doing this year? Reply to this email and let us know!